Cary’s work has been shortlisted in national and international competitions. She writes for various publications, digital and print. She lives in Stockholm, where she enjoys a glass of wine and a cold water swim daily, but not in that order.


‘It’s sad, it’s funny, it’s every woman’s life.’

‘What I love most about these books is their unflinching representation of women in midlife.’

‘Brilliantly written, with so many twists that you just won’t see coming.’

‘The characters leap from the page. I feel as though I am part of their friendship group now.

The tone is both witty and emotional, honest and realistic. This is women's fiction that puts middle-aged women centre stage and tackles serious life issues, with wit and unflinching honesty.The characters are strong but the plot is equally engaging. Things happen. The prose is straight to the point and flows well. Every woman should read the Midlife series.


I’m Cary and above are just a few reader reactions to The Midlife Series, which you can read more about here

I live in Stockholm, where I swim in the Baltic sea daily, paddle-board under midnight suns and have learned to sail. Over the years I’ve had more jobs that you’ve probably had hot dinners. You name it and I’ve sent it, served it, cleaned it or sold it! But ten years ago I settled down to write fiction. It’s a terribly paid job that I love.

I write stories about ordinary people, living lives  of extraordinary courage and indestructible humour. And the only thing I can promise, is that you’ll never encounter a knight in shining armour, or a flying car  amongst the pages of my books.  My fictional characters save themselves, as  in the end we all must do.

